Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Food Politics

“Food politics underlie all politics in the United States. There is no industry more important – more fundamentally linked to our well-being and future well-being of our children. Like manufacturing cigarettes or building weapons, making food is very big business”.

This book is written by Dr. Marion Nestle, professor and chair of the Department of Nutrition & Food Studies, New York University.  She has served as a nutrition policy advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services and Science Advisory Committees to the Department of Agriculture and FDA.

In this book, Dr. Nestle revealed that:

The “food industry must do everything possible to persuade people to eat more – more food, more often and in larger portions “ – no matter what it does to our well being.

“I eventually came to the conclusion that food companies – just like companies that sell cigarettes, pharmaceuticals or any other commodity – routinely place the needs of stockholders over considerations of public health.”

“Food companies will make and market any product that sells, regardless of its nutritional value or its effects on health.”

“Health companies are not health or social service agencies and nutrition becomes a factor in corporate thinking only when it can help sell food.”

Under the guise of “objective” scientific research, food companies suggest to us that their products are healthy. But according to Dr. Nestle, “when it comes to the mass production and consumption of food … decisions made are driven by economics – not science, not common sense and certainly not health.”

“They expand sales by marketing directly to children, members of minority groups and people in developing countries – whether or not the products are likely to improve people’s diets.”

“Like cigarette companies, food companies co-opt food and nutrition experts by supporting professional organizations and research."

“It is in the interest of food companies to have people believe that there is no such thing as a “good” food (except when it is theirs); that there is no such thing as “bad” food; that all foods (especially theirs) can be incorporated into healthful diets; and that balance, variety and moderation are the keys to healthful diets – which means that no advice to restrict intake of their particular product is appropriate … If people are confused about nutrition, they  will more likely accept such claims at face value”.

“They lobby Congress to eliminate regulations perceived as unfavourable, they pressed federal regulatory agencies not to enforce such regulations and when they don’t like regulatory decisions, they file lawsuits.”

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